Digital solutions for a healthier world
At Data4Life Asia, we develop and co-create digital solutions to support research and fulfill pressing needs in society.

The rise in health apps, fitness trackers, and wearables is leading to a wealth of user-generated health data. At the same time, data collected by doctors and hospitals throughout the world is inaccessible due to incompatible or antiquated systems. This data, if made available, could help medical researchers properly study diseases and find new treatments.
Our goal is to improve patient care in the long term by digitizing health data, increasing interoperability, and making new data available to researchers. Together with our trusted partners, we co-create solutions and accompany projects that have an international impact.
Digital solutions for research
Data4Life provides researchers access to increasing types and amounts of new, high quality health data, supporting them with digital solutions so they can optimally use the data in their research and gain new medical findings.
Data4Life research platform
The Data4Life research platform makes it possible for researchers to manage their studies and invite participants digitally. We enable secure and ethical data sharing through standardization and interoperability, helping researchers gain valuable insights.
Python phenotyping library
PyOhdsiWebAPI allows researchers to define complex phenotypes in simple queries. It creates a seamless workflow by analyzing the Python environment end-to-end without the need to switch between multiple languages or tools.
The new Python phenotyping library was presented by Data4Life Asia at the 2020 OHDSI (Observational Health Data Sciences & Informatics) symposium.
Doing our part to fight COVID-19
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, we are continuing to undertake several initiatives that collect health data and support the research of SARS-CoV-2.
The CovApp supported the fight against COVID-19 by helping people worldwide decide if they should visit a testing center. The app was developed in close cooperation with our partner in Germany Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Visit CovApp

Symptom tracker
The symptom tracker in the Data4Life app is an effective and organized way to digitally document symptoms during the coronavirus pandemic. App users concerned about long-term effects of COVID-19 can track their symptoms over time.
Visit symptom trackerSchool screening study
In line with the Berlin Senate’s strategy to restore public health and social life, Data4Life helped test school and kindergarten employees for an active SARS-CoV-2 infection, delivering test results digitally.
Visit school screening

Airport testing
In August 2020, Data4Life and Charité conducted COVID-19 testing at airports in Berlin, Germany for passengers arriving from high-risk areas. Lab results were delivered digitally within a few days using the test results delivery feature developed by Data4Life.
Visit airport testing